/* ______________________________________ ________| |_______ \ | SmartAdmin WebApp | / \ | Copyright © 2015 MyOrange | / / |______________________________________| \ /__________) (_________\ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * ======================================================================= * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * ======================================================================= * original filename : app.js * filesize : 62,499~ bytes * author : Sunny (@bootstraphunt) * email : info@myorange.ca * legal notice : This script is part of a theme sold by * bootstraphunter.com * * ======================================================================= * INDEX (Note: line numbers for index items may not be up to date): * * 1. APP CONFIGURATION..................................[ app.config.js ] * 2. APP DOM REFERENCES.................................[ app.config.js ] * 3. DETECT MOBILE DEVICES...................................[line: 149 ] * 4. CUSTOM MENU PLUGIN......................................[line: 688 ] * 5. ELEMENT EXIST OR NOT....................................[line: 778 ] * 6. INITIALIZE FORMS........................................[line: 788 ] * 6a. BOOTSTRAP SLIDER PLUGIN...........................[line: 794 ] * 6b. SELECT2 PLUGIN....................................[line: 803 ] * 6c. MASKING...........................................[line: 824 ] * 6d. AUTOCOMPLETE......................................[line: 843 ] * 6f. JQUERY UI DATE....................................[line: 862 ] * 6g. AJAX BUTTON LOADING TEXT..........................[line: 884 ] * 7. INITIALIZE CHARTS.......................................[line: 902 ] * 7a. SPARKLINES........................................[line: 907 ] * 7b. LINE CHART........................................[line: 1026] * 7c. PIE CHART.........................................[line: 1077] * 7d. BOX PLOT..........................................[line: 1100] * 7e. BULLET............................................[line: 1145] * 7f. DISCRETE..........................................[line: 1169] * 7g. TRISTATE..........................................[line: 1195] * 7h. COMPOSITE: BAR....................................[line: 1223] * 7i. COMPOSITE: LINE...................................[line: 1259] * 7j. EASY PIE CHARTS...................................[line: 1339] * 8. INITIALIZE JARVIS WIDGETS...............................[line: 1379] * 8a. SETUP DESKTOP WIDGET..............................[line: 1466] * 8b. GOOGLE MAPS.......................................[line: 1478] * 8c. LOAD SCRIPTS......................................[line: 1500] * 8d. APP AJAX REQUEST SETUP............................[line: 1538] * 9. CHECK TO SEE IF URL EXISTS..............................[line: 1614] * 10.LOAD AJAX PAGES.........................................[line: 1669] * 11.UPDATE BREADCRUMB.......................................[line: 1775] * 12.PAGE SETUP..............................................[line: 1798] * 13.POP OVER THEORY.........................................[line: 1852] * 14.DELETE MODEL DATA ON HIDDEN.............................[line: 1991] * 15.HELPFUL FUNCTIONS.......................................[line: 2027] * * ======================================================================= * IMPORTANT: ALL CONFIG VARS IS NOW MOVED TO APP.CONFIG.JS * ======================================================================= * * * GLOBAL: interval array (to be used with jarviswidget in ajax and * angular mode) to clear auto fetch interval */ $.intervalArr = []; /* * Calculate nav height */ var calc_navbar_height = function() { var height = null; if ($('#header').length) height = $('#header').height(); if (height === null) height = $('').height(); if (height === null) return 49; // default return height; }, navbar_height = calc_navbar_height, /* * APP DOM REFERENCES * Description: Obj DOM reference, please try to avoid changing these */ shortcut_dropdown = $('#shortcut'), bread_crumb = $('#ribbon ol.breadcrumb'), /* * Top menu on/off */ topmenu = false, /* * desktop or mobile */ thisDevice = null, /* * DETECT MOBILE DEVICES * Description: Detects mobile device - if any of the listed device is * detected a class is inserted to $.root_ and the variable thisDevice * is decleard. (so far this is covering most hand held devices) */ ismobile = (/iphone|ipad|ipod|android|blackberry|mini|windows\sce|palm/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())), /* * JS ARRAY SCRIPT STORAGE * Description: used with loadScript to store script path and file name * so it will not load twice */ jsArray = {}, /* * App Initialize * Description: Initializes the app with intApp(); */ initApp = (function(app) { /* * ADD DEVICE TYPE * Detect if mobile or desktop */ app.addDeviceType = function() { if (!ismobile) { // Desktop $.root_.addClass("desktop-detected"); thisDevice = "desktop"; return false; } else { // Mobile $.root_.addClass("mobile-detected"); thisDevice = "mobile"; if (fastClick) { // Removes the tap delay in idevices // dependency: js/plugin/fastclick/fastclick.js $.root_.addClass("needsclick"); FastClick.attach(document.body); return false; } } }; /* ~ END: ADD DEVICE TYPE */ /* * CHECK FOR MENU POSITION * Scans localstroage for menu position (vertical or horizontal) */ app.menuPos = function() { if ($.root_.hasClass("menu-on-top") || localStorage.getItem('sm-setmenu')=='top' ) { topmenu = true; $.root_.addClass("menu-on-top"); } }; /* ~ END: CHECK MOBILE DEVICE */ /* * SMART ACTIONS */ app.SmartActions = function(){ var smartActions = { // LOGOUT MSG userLogout: function($this){ // ask verification $.SmartMessageBox({ title : " Abmelden " + $('#show-shortcut').text() + " ?", content : $this.data('logout-msg') || "You can improve your security further after logging out by closing this opened browser", buttons : '[Nein][Ja]' }, function(ButtonPressed) { if (ButtonPressed == "Ja") { $.root_.addClass('animated fadeOutUp'); setTimeout(logout, 1000); } }); function logout() { window.location = $this.attr('href'); } }, // TOGGLE MENU toggleMenu: function(){ if (!$.root_.hasClass("menu-on-top")){ $('html').toggleClass("hidden-menu-mobile-lock"); $.root_.toggleClass("hidden-menu"); $.root_.removeClass("minified"); //} else if ( $.root_.hasClass("menu-on-top") && $.root_.hasClass("mobile-view-activated") ) { // suggested fix from Christian Jäger } else if ( $.root_.hasClass("menu-on-top") && $(window).width() < 979 ) { $('html').toggleClass("hidden-menu-mobile-lock"); $.root_.toggleClass("hidden-menu"); $.root_.removeClass("minified"); } } }; $.root_.on('click', '[data-action="userLogout"]', function(e) { var $this = $(this); smartActions.userLogout($this); e.preventDefault(); //clear memory reference $this = null; }); $.root_.on('click', '[data-action="toggleMenu"]', function(e) { smartActions.toggleMenu(); e.preventDefault(); }); }; /* ~ END: SMART ACTIONS */ /* * ACTIVATE NAVIGATION * Description: Activation will fail if top navigation is on */ app.leftNav = function(){ // INITIALIZE LEFT NAV if (!topmenu) { if (!null) { $('nav ul').jarvismenu({ accordion : menu_accordion || true, speed : menu_speed || true, closedSign : '', openedSign : '' }); } else { alert("Error - menu anchor does not exist"); } } }; /* ~ END: ACTIVATE NAVIGATION */ /* * MISCELANEOUS DOM READY FUNCTIONS * Description: fire with jQuery(document).ready... */ app.domReadyMisc = function() { /* * FIRE TOOLTIPS if ($("[rel=tooltip]").length) { $("[rel=tooltip]").tooltip(); }*/ // ACTIVITY // ajax drop $('#activity').click(function(e) { var $this = $(this); if ($this.find('.badge').hasClass('bg-color-red')) { $this.find('.badge').removeClassPrefix('bg-color-'); $this.find('.badge').text("0"); } if (!$this.next('.ajax-dropdown').is(':visible')) { $this.next('.ajax-dropdown').fadeIn(150); $this.addClass('active'); } else { $this.next('.ajax-dropdown').fadeOut(150); $this.removeClass('active'); } var theUrlVal = $this.next('.ajax-dropdown').find('.btn-group > .active > input').attr('id'); //clear memory reference $this = null; theUrlVal = null; e.preventDefault(); }); $('input[name="activity"]').change(function() { var $this = $(this); url = $this.attr('id'); container = $('.ajax-notifications'); loadURL(url, container); //clear memory reference $this = null; }); // close dropdown if mouse is not inside the area of .ajax-dropdown $(document).mouseup(function(e) { if (!$('.ajax-dropdown').is(e.target) && $('.ajax-dropdown').has(e.target).length === 0) { $('.ajax-dropdown').fadeOut(150); $('.ajax-dropdown').prev().removeClass("active"); } }); // loading animation (demo purpose only) $('button[data-btn-loading]').on('click', function() { var btn = $(this); btn.button('loading'); setTimeout(function() { btn.button('reset'); }, 3000); }); // NOTIFICATION IS PRESENT // Change color of lable once notification button is clicked $this = $('#activity > .badge'); if (parseInt($this.text()) > 0) { $this.addClass("bg-color-red bounceIn animated"); //clear memory reference $this = null; } }; /* ~ END: MISCELANEOUS DOM */ /* * MISCELANEOUS DOM READY FUNCTIONS * Description: fire with jQuery(document).ready... */ app.mobileCheckActivation = function(){ if ($(window).width() < 979) { $.root_.addClass('mobile-view-activated'); $.root_.removeClass('minified'); } else if ($.root_.hasClass('mobile-view-activated')) { $.root_.removeClass('mobile-view-activated'); } if (debugState){ console.log("mobileCheckActivation"); } } /* ~ END: MISCELANEOUS DOM */ return app; })({}); initApp.addDeviceType(); initApp.menuPos(); /* * DOCUMENT LOADED EVENT * Description: Fire when DOM is ready */ jQuery(document).ready(function() { initApp.SmartActions(); initApp.leftNav(); initApp.domReadyMisc(); }); /* * RESIZER WITH THROTTLE * Source: http://benalman.com/code/projects/jquery-resize/examples/resize/ */ (function ($, window, undefined) { var elems = $([]), jq_resize = $.resize = $.extend($.resize, {}), timeout_id, str_setTimeout = 'setTimeout', str_resize = 'resize', str_data = str_resize + '-special-event', str_delay = 'delay', str_throttle = 'throttleWindow'; jq_resize[str_delay] = throttle_delay; jq_resize[str_throttle] = true; $.event.special[str_resize] = { setup: function () { if (!jq_resize[str_throttle] && this[str_setTimeout]) { return false; } var elem = $(this); elems = elems.add(elem); try { $.data(this, str_data, { w: elem.width(), h: elem.height() }); } catch (e) { $.data(this, str_data, { w: elem.width, // elem.width(); h: elem.height // elem.height(); }); } if (elems.length === 1) { loopy(); } }, teardown: function () { if (!jq_resize[str_throttle] && this[str_setTimeout]) { return false; } var elem = $(this); elems = elems.not(elem); elem.removeData(str_data); if (!elems.length) { clearTimeout(timeout_id); } }, add: function (handleObj) { if (!jq_resize[str_throttle] && this[str_setTimeout]) { return false; } var old_handler; function new_handler(e, w, h) { var elem = $(this), data = $.data(this, str_data); data.w = w !== undefined ? w : elem.width(); data.h = h !== undefined ? h : elem.height(); old_handler.apply(this, arguments); } if ($.isFunction(handleObj)) { old_handler = handleObj; return new_handler; } else { old_handler = handleObj.handler; handleObj.handler = new_handler; } } }; function loopy() { timeout_id = window[str_setTimeout](function () { elems.each(function () { var width; var height; var elem = $(this), data = $.data(this, str_data); //width = elem.width(), height = elem.height(); // Highcharts fix try { width = elem.width(); } catch (e) { width = elem.width; } try { height = elem.height(); } catch (e) { height = elem.height; } //fixed bug if (width !== data.w || height !== data.h) { elem.trigger(str_resize, [data.w = width, data.h = height]); } }); loopy(); }, jq_resize[str_delay]); } })(jQuery, this); /* * ADD CLASS WHEN BELOW CERTAIN WIDTH (MOBILE MENU) * Description: tracks the page min-width of #CONTENT and NAV when navigation is resized. * This is to counter bugs for minimum page width on many desktop and mobile devices. * Note: This script utilizes JSthrottle script so don't worry about memory/CPU usage */ $('#main').resize(function() { initApp.mobileCheckActivation(); }); /* ~ END: NAV OR #LEFT-BAR RESIZE DETECT */ /* * DETECT IE VERSION * Description: A short snippet for detecting versions of IE in JavaScript * without resorting to user-agent sniffing * RETURNS: * If you're not in IE (or IE version is less than 5) then: * //ie === undefined * * If you're in IE (>=5) then you can determine which version: * // ie === 7; // IE7 * * Thus, to detect IE: * // if (ie) {} * * And to detect the version: * ie === 6 // IE6 * ie > 7 // IE8, IE9 ... * ie < 9 // Anything less than IE9 */ // TODO: delete this function later on - no longer needed (?) var ie = ( function() { var undef, v = 3, div = document.createElement('div'), all = div.getElementsByTagName('i'); while (div.innerHTML = '', all[0]); return v > 4 ? v : undef; }()); /* ~ END: DETECT IE VERSION */ /* * CUSTOM MENU PLUGIN */ $.fn.extend({ //pass the options variable to the function jarvismenu : function(options) { var defaults = { accordion : 'true', speed : 200, closedSign : '[+]', openedSign : '[-]' }, // Extend our default options with those provided. opts = $.extend(defaults, options), //Assign current element to variable, in this case is UL element $this = $(this); //add a mark [+] to a multilevel menu $this.find("li").each(function() { if ($(this).find("ul").length !== 0) { //add the multilevel sign next to the link $(this).find("a:first").append("" + opts.closedSign + ""); //avoid jumping to the top of the page when the href is an # if ($(this).find("a:first").attr('href') == "#") { $(this).find("a:first").click(function() { return false; }); } } }); //open active level $this.find("li.active").each(function() { $(this).parents("ul").slideDown(opts.speed); $(this).parents("ul").parent("li").find("b:first").html(opts.openedSign); $(this).parents("ul").parent("li").addClass("open"); }); $this.find("li a").click(function() { if ($(this).parent().find("ul").length !== 0) { if (opts.accordion) { //Do nothing when the list is open if (!$(this).parent().find("ul").is(':visible')) { parents = $(this).parent().parents("ul"); visible = $this.find("ul:visible"); visible.each(function(visibleIndex) { var close = true; parents.each(function(parentIndex) { if (parents[parentIndex] == visible[visibleIndex]) { close = false; return false; } }); if (close) { if ($(this).parent().find("ul") != visible[visibleIndex]) { $(visible[visibleIndex]).slideUp(opts.speed, function() { $(this).parent("li").find("b:first").html(opts.closedSign); $(this).parent("li").removeClass("open"); }); } } }); } }// end if if ($(this).parent().find("ul:first").is(":visible") && !$(this).parent().find("ul:first").hasClass("active")) { $(this).parent().find("ul:first").slideUp(opts.speed, function() { $(this).parent("li").removeClass("open"); $(this).parent("li").find("b:first").delay(opts.speed).html(opts.closedSign); }); } else { $(this).parent().find("ul:first").slideDown(opts.speed, function() { /*$(this).effect("highlight", {color : '#616161'}, 500); - disabled due to CPU clocking on phones*/ $(this).parent("li").addClass("open"); $(this).parent("li").find("b:first").delay(opts.speed).html(opts.openedSign); }); } // end else } // end if }); } // end function }); /* ~ END: CUSTOM MENU PLUGIN */ /* * ELEMENT EXIST OR NOT * Description: returns true or false * Usage: $('#myDiv').doesExist(); */ jQuery.fn.doesExist = function() { return jQuery(this).length > 0; }; /* ~ END: ELEMENT EXIST OR NOT */ /* * INITIALIZE FORMS * Description: Select2, Masking, Datepicker, Autocomplete */ function runAllForms() { /* * BOOTSTRAP SLIDER PLUGIN * Usage: * Dependency: js/plugin/bootstrap-slider */ if ($.fn.slider) { $('.slider').slider(); } /* * SELECT2 PLUGIN * Usage: * Dependency: js/plugin/select2/ */ if ($.fn.select2) { $('select.select2').each(function() { var $this = $(this), width = $this.attr('data-select-width') || '100%'; //, _showSearchInput = $this.attr('data-select-search') === 'true'; $this.select2({ //showSearchInput : _showSearchInput, allowClear : true, width : width }); //clear memory reference $this = null; }); } /* * MASKING * Dependency: js/plugin/masked-input/ */ if ($.fn.mask) { $('[data-mask]').each(function() { var $this = $(this), mask = $this.attr('data-mask') || 'error...', mask_placeholder = $this.attr('data-mask-placeholder') || 'X'; $this.mask(mask, { placeholder : mask_placeholder }); //clear memory reference $this = null; }); } /* * AUTOCOMPLETE * Dependency: js/jqui */ if ($.fn.autocomplete) { $('[data-autocomplete]').each(function() { var $this = $(this), availableTags = $this.data('autocomplete') || ["The", "Quick", "Brown", "Fox", "Jumps", "Over", "Three", "Lazy", "Dogs"]; $this.autocomplete({ source : availableTags }); //clear memory reference $this = null; }); } /* * JQUERY UI DATE * Dependency: js/libs/jquery-ui-1.10.3.min.js * Usage: */ if ($.fn.datepicker) { $('.datepicker').each(function() { var $this = $(this), dataDateFormat = $this.attr('data-dateformat') || 'dd.mm.yy'; $this.datepicker({ dateFormat : dataDateFormat, prevText : '', nextText : '', }); //clear memory reference $this = null; }); } /* * AJAX BUTTON LOADING TEXT * Usage: */ $('button[data-loading-text]').on('click', function() { var btn = $(this); btn.button('loading'); setTimeout(function() { btn.button('reset'); //clear memory reference btn = null; }, 3000); }); } /* ~ END: INITIALIZE FORMS */ /* * INITIALIZE CHARTS * Description: Sparklines, PieCharts */ function runAllCharts() { /* * SPARKLINES * DEPENDENCY: js/plugins/sparkline/jquery.sparkline.min.js * See usage example below... */ /* Usage: *
* 5,6,7,9,9,5,9,6,5,6,6,7,7,6,7,8,9,7 *
*/ if ($.fn.sparkline) { // variable declearations: var barColor, sparklineHeight, sparklineBarWidth, sparklineBarSpacing, sparklineNegBarColor, sparklineStackedColor, thisLineColor, thisLineWidth, thisFill, thisSpotColor, thisMinSpotColor, thisMaxSpotColor, thishighlightSpotColor, thisHighlightLineColor, thisSpotRadius, pieColors, pieWidthHeight, pieBorderColor, pieOffset, thisBoxWidth, thisBoxHeight, thisBoxRaw, thisBoxTarget, thisBoxMin, thisBoxMax, thisShowOutlier, thisIQR, thisBoxSpotRadius, thisBoxLineColor, thisBoxFillColor, thisBoxWhisColor, thisBoxOutlineColor, thisBoxOutlineFill, thisBoxMedianColor, thisBoxTargetColor, thisBulletHeight, thisBulletWidth, thisBulletColor, thisBulletPerformanceColor, thisBulletRangeColors, thisDiscreteHeight, thisDiscreteWidth, thisDiscreteLineColor, thisDiscreteLineHeight, thisDiscreteThrushold, thisDiscreteThrusholdColor, thisTristateHeight, thisTristatePosBarColor, thisTristateNegBarColor, thisTristateZeroBarColor, thisTristateBarWidth, thisTristateBarSpacing, thisZeroAxis, thisBarColor, sparklineWidth, sparklineValue, sparklineValueSpots1, sparklineValueSpots2, thisLineWidth1, thisLineWidth2, thisLineColor1, thisLineColor2, thisSpotRadius1, thisSpotRadius2, thisMinSpotColor1, thisMaxSpotColor1, thisMinSpotColor2, thisMaxSpotColor2, thishighlightSpotColor1, thisHighlightLineColor1, thishighlightSpotColor2, thisFillColor1, thisFillColor2; $('.sparkline:not(:has(>canvas))').each(function() { var $this = $(this), sparklineType = $this.data('sparkline-type') || 'bar'; // BAR CHART if (sparklineType == 'bar') { barColor = $this.data('sparkline-bar-color') || $this.css('color') || '#0000f0'; sparklineHeight = $this.data('sparkline-height') || '26px'; sparklineBarWidth = $this.data('sparkline-barwidth') || 5; sparklineBarSpacing = $this.data('sparkline-barspacing') || 2; sparklineNegBarColor = $this.data('sparkline-negbar-color') || '#A90329'; sparklineStackedColor = $this.data('sparkline-barstacked-color') || ["#A90329", "#0099c6", "#98AA56", "#da532c", "#4490B1", "#6E9461", "#990099", "#B4CAD3"]; $this.sparkline('html', { barColor : barColor, type : sparklineType, height : sparklineHeight, barWidth : sparklineBarWidth, barSpacing : sparklineBarSpacing, stackedBarColor : sparklineStackedColor, negBarColor : sparklineNegBarColor, zeroAxis : 'false' }); $this = null; } // LINE CHART if (sparklineType == 'line') { sparklineHeight = $this.data('sparkline-height') || '20px'; sparklineWidth = $this.data('sparkline-width') || '90px'; thisLineColor = $this.data('sparkline-line-color') || $this.css('color') || '#0000f0'; thisLineWidth = $this.data('sparkline-line-width') || 1; thisFill = $this.data('fill-color') || '#c0d0f0'; thisSpotColor = $this.data('sparkline-spot-color') || '#f08000'; thisMinSpotColor = $this.data('sparkline-minspot-color') || '#ed1c24'; thisMaxSpotColor = $this.data('sparkline-maxspot-color') || '#f08000'; thishighlightSpotColor = $this.data('sparkline-highlightspot-color') || '#50f050'; thisHighlightLineColor = $this.data('sparkline-highlightline-color') || 'f02020'; thisSpotRadius = $this.data('sparkline-spotradius') || 1.5; thisChartMinYRange = $this.data('sparkline-min-y') || 'undefined'; thisChartMaxYRange = $this.data('sparkline-max-y') || 'undefined'; thisChartMinXRange = $this.data('sparkline-min-x') || 'undefined'; thisChartMaxXRange = $this.data('sparkline-max-x') || 'undefined'; thisMinNormValue = $this.data('min-val') || 'undefined'; thisMaxNormValue = $this.data('max-val') || 'undefined'; thisNormColor = $this.data('norm-color') || '#c0c0c0'; thisDrawNormalOnTop = $this.data('draw-normal') || false; $this.sparkline('html', { type : 'line', width : sparklineWidth, height : sparklineHeight, lineWidth : thisLineWidth, lineColor : thisLineColor, fillColor : thisFill, spotColor : thisSpotColor, minSpotColor : thisMinSpotColor, maxSpotColor : thisMaxSpotColor, highlightSpotColor : thishighlightSpotColor, highlightLineColor : thisHighlightLineColor, spotRadius : thisSpotRadius, chartRangeMin : thisChartMinYRange, chartRangeMax : thisChartMaxYRange, chartRangeMinX : thisChartMinXRange, chartRangeMaxX : thisChartMaxXRange, normalRangeMin : thisMinNormValue, normalRangeMax : thisMaxNormValue, normalRangeColor : thisNormColor, drawNormalOnTop : thisDrawNormalOnTop }); $this = null; } // PIE CHART if (sparklineType == 'pie') { pieColors = $this.data('sparkline-piecolor') || ["#B4CAD3", "#4490B1", "#98AA56", "#da532c","#6E9461", "#0099c6", "#990099", "#717D8A"]; pieWidthHeight = $this.data('sparkline-piesize') || 90; pieBorderColor = $this.data('border-color') || '#45494C'; pieOffset = $this.data('sparkline-offset') || 0; $this.sparkline('html', { type : 'pie', width : pieWidthHeight, height : pieWidthHeight, tooltipFormat : ' ({{percent.1}}%)', sliceColors : pieColors, borderWidth : 1, offset : pieOffset, borderColor : pieBorderColor }); $this = null; } // BOX PLOT if (sparklineType == 'box') { thisBoxWidth = $this.data('sparkline-width') || 'auto'; thisBoxHeight = $this.data('sparkline-height') || 'auto'; thisBoxRaw = $this.data('sparkline-boxraw') || false; thisBoxTarget = $this.data('sparkline-targetval') || 'undefined'; thisBoxMin = $this.data('sparkline-min') || 'undefined'; thisBoxMax = $this.data('sparkline-max') || 'undefined'; thisShowOutlier = $this.data('sparkline-showoutlier') || true; thisIQR = $this.data('sparkline-outlier-iqr') || 1.5; thisBoxSpotRadius = $this.data('sparkline-spotradius') || 1.5; thisBoxLineColor = $this.css('color') || '#000000'; thisBoxFillColor = $this.data('fill-color') || '#c0d0f0'; thisBoxWhisColor = $this.data('sparkline-whis-color') || '#000000'; thisBoxOutlineColor = $this.data('sparkline-outline-color') || '#303030'; thisBoxOutlineFill = $this.data('sparkline-outlinefill-color') || '#f0f0f0'; thisBoxMedianColor = $this.data('sparkline-outlinemedian-color') || '#f00000'; thisBoxTargetColor = $this.data('sparkline-outlinetarget-color') || '#40a020'; $this.sparkline('html', { type : 'box', width : thisBoxWidth, height : thisBoxHeight, raw : thisBoxRaw, target : thisBoxTarget, minValue : thisBoxMin, maxValue : thisBoxMax, showOutliers : thisShowOutlier, outlierIQR : thisIQR, spotRadius : thisBoxSpotRadius, boxLineColor : thisBoxLineColor, boxFillColor : thisBoxFillColor, whiskerColor : thisBoxWhisColor, outlierLineColor : thisBoxOutlineColor, outlierFillColor : thisBoxOutlineFill, medianColor : thisBoxMedianColor, targetColor : thisBoxTargetColor }); $this = null; } // BULLET if (sparklineType == 'bullet') { var thisBulletHeight = $this.data('sparkline-height') || 'auto'; thisBulletWidth = $this.data('sparkline-width') || 2; thisBulletColor = $this.data('sparkline-bullet-color') || '#ed1c24'; thisBulletPerformanceColor = $this.data('sparkline-performance-color') || '#3030f0'; thisBulletRangeColors = $this.data('sparkline-bulletrange-color') || ["#d3dafe", "#a8b6ff", "#7f94ff"]; $this.sparkline('html', { type : 'bullet', height : thisBulletHeight, targetWidth : thisBulletWidth, targetColor : thisBulletColor, performanceColor : thisBulletPerformanceColor, rangeColors : thisBulletRangeColors }); $this = null; } // DISCRETE if (sparklineType == 'discrete') { thisDiscreteHeight = $this.data('sparkline-height') || 26; thisDiscreteWidth = $this.data('sparkline-width') || 50; thisDiscreteLineColor = $this.css('color'); thisDiscreteLineHeight = $this.data('sparkline-line-height') || 5; thisDiscreteThrushold = $this.data('sparkline-threshold') || 'undefined'; thisDiscreteThrusholdColor = $this.data('sparkline-threshold-color') || '#ed1c24'; $this.sparkline('html', { type : 'discrete', width : thisDiscreteWidth, height : thisDiscreteHeight, lineColor : thisDiscreteLineColor, lineHeight : thisDiscreteLineHeight, thresholdValue : thisDiscreteThrushold, thresholdColor : thisDiscreteThrusholdColor }); $this = null; } // TRISTATE if (sparklineType == 'tristate') { thisTristateHeight = $this.data('sparkline-height') || 26; thisTristatePosBarColor = $this.data('sparkline-posbar-color') || '#60f060'; thisTristateNegBarColor = $this.data('sparkline-negbar-color') || '#f04040'; thisTristateZeroBarColor = $this.data('sparkline-zerobar-color') || '#909090'; thisTristateBarWidth = $this.data('sparkline-barwidth') || 5; thisTristateBarSpacing = $this.data('sparkline-barspacing') || 2; thisZeroAxis = $this.data('sparkline-zeroaxis') || false; $this.sparkline('html', { type : 'tristate', height : thisTristateHeight, posBarColor : thisBarColor, negBarColor : thisTristateNegBarColor, zeroBarColor : thisTristateZeroBarColor, barWidth : thisTristateBarWidth, barSpacing : thisTristateBarSpacing, zeroAxis : thisZeroAxis }); $this = null; } //COMPOSITE: BAR if (sparklineType == 'compositebar') { sparklineHeight = $this.data('sparkline-height') || '20px'; sparklineWidth = $this.data('sparkline-width') || '100%'; sparklineBarWidth = $this.data('sparkline-barwidth') || 3; thisLineWidth = $this.data('sparkline-line-width') || 1; thisLineColor = $this.data('data-sparkline-linecolor') || '#ed1c24'; thisBarColor = $this.data('data-sparkline-barcolor') || '#333333'; $this.sparkline($this.data('sparkline-bar-val'), { type : 'bar', width : sparklineWidth, height : sparklineHeight, barColor : thisBarColor, barWidth : sparklineBarWidth //barSpacing: 5 }); $this.sparkline($this.data('sparkline-line-val'), { width : sparklineWidth, height : sparklineHeight, lineColor : thisLineColor, lineWidth : thisLineWidth, composite : true, fillColor : false }); $this = null; } //COMPOSITE: LINE if (sparklineType == 'compositeline') { sparklineHeight = $this.data('sparkline-height') || '20px'; sparklineWidth = $this.data('sparkline-width') || '90px'; sparklineValue = $this.data('sparkline-bar-val'); sparklineValueSpots1 = $this.data('sparkline-bar-val-spots-top') || null; sparklineValueSpots2 = $this.data('sparkline-bar-val-spots-bottom') || null; thisLineWidth1 = $this.data('sparkline-line-width-top') || 1; thisLineWidth2 = $this.data('sparkline-line-width-bottom') || 1; thisLineColor1 = $this.data('sparkline-color-top') || '#333333'; thisLineColor2 = $this.data('sparkline-color-bottom') || '#ed1c24'; thisSpotRadius1 = $this.data('sparkline-spotradius-top') || 1.5; thisSpotRadius2 = $this.data('sparkline-spotradius-bottom') || thisSpotRadius1; thisSpotColor = $this.data('sparkline-spot-color') || '#f08000'; thisMinSpotColor1 = $this.data('sparkline-minspot-color-top') || '#ed1c24'; thisMaxSpotColor1 = $this.data('sparkline-maxspot-color-top') || '#f08000'; thisMinSpotColor2 = $this.data('sparkline-minspot-color-bottom') || thisMinSpotColor1; thisMaxSpotColor2 = $this.data('sparkline-maxspot-color-bottom') || thisMaxSpotColor1; thishighlightSpotColor1 = $this.data('sparkline-highlightspot-color-top') || '#50f050'; thisHighlightLineColor1 = $this.data('sparkline-highlightline-color-top') || '#f02020'; thishighlightSpotColor2 = $this.data('sparkline-highlightspot-color-bottom') || thishighlightSpotColor1; thisHighlightLineColor2 = $this.data('sparkline-highlightline-color-bottom') || thisHighlightLineColor1; thisFillColor1 = $this.data('sparkline-fillcolor-top') || 'transparent'; thisFillColor2 = $this.data('sparkline-fillcolor-bottom') || 'transparent'; $this.sparkline(sparklineValue, { type : 'line', spotRadius : thisSpotRadius1, spotColor : thisSpotColor, minSpotColor : thisMinSpotColor1, maxSpotColor : thisMaxSpotColor1, highlightSpotColor : thishighlightSpotColor1, highlightLineColor : thisHighlightLineColor1, valueSpots : sparklineValueSpots1, lineWidth : thisLineWidth1, width : sparklineWidth, height : sparklineHeight, lineColor : thisLineColor1, fillColor : thisFillColor1 }); $this.sparkline($this.data('sparkline-line-val'), { type : 'line', spotRadius : thisSpotRadius2, spotColor : thisSpotColor, minSpotColor : thisMinSpotColor2, maxSpotColor : thisMaxSpotColor2, highlightSpotColor : thishighlightSpotColor2, highlightLineColor : thisHighlightLineColor2, valueSpots : sparklineValueSpots2, lineWidth : thisLineWidth2, width : sparklineWidth, height : sparklineHeight, lineColor : thisLineColor2, composite : true, fillColor : thisFillColor2 }); $this = null; } }); }// end if /* * EASY PIE CHARTS * DEPENDENCY: js/plugins/easy-pie-chart/jquery.easy-pie-chart.min.js * Usage:
* 35 *
*/ if ($.fn.easyPieChart) { $('.easy-pie-chart').each(function() { var $this = $(this), barColor = $this.css('color') || $this.data('pie-color'), trackColor = $this.data('pie-track-color') || 'rgba(0,0,0,0.04)', size = parseInt($this.data('pie-size')) || 25; $this.easyPieChart({ barColor : barColor, trackColor : trackColor, scaleColor : false, lineCap : 'butt', lineWidth : parseInt(size / 8.5), animate : 1500, rotate : -90, size : size, onStep: function(from, to, percent) { $(this.el).find('.percent').text(Math.round(percent)); } }); $this = null; }); } // end if } /* ~ END: INITIALIZE CHARTS */ /* * INITIALIZE JARVIS WIDGETS * Setup Desktop Widgets */ function setup_widgets_desktop() { if ($.fn.jarvisWidgets && enableJarvisWidgets) { $('#widget-grid').jarvisWidgets({ grid : 'article', widgets : '.jarviswidget', localStorage : localStorageJarvisWidgets, deleteSettingsKey : '#deletesettingskey-options', settingsKeyLabel : 'Reset settings?', deletePositionKey : '#deletepositionkey-options', positionKeyLabel : 'Reset position?', sortable : sortableJarvisWidgets, buttonsHidden : false, // toggle button toggleButton : true, toggleClass : 'fa fa-minus | fa fa-plus', toggleSpeed : 200, onToggle : function() { }, // delete btn deleteButton : true, deleteMsg:'Warning: This action cannot be undone!', deleteClass : 'fa fa-times', deleteSpeed : 200, onDelete : function() { }, // edit btn editButton : true, editPlaceholder : '.jarviswidget-editbox', editClass : 'fa fa-cog | fa fa-save', editSpeed : 200, onEdit : function() { }, // color button colorButton : true, // full screen fullscreenButton : true, fullscreenClass : 'fa fa-expand | fa fa-compress', fullscreenDiff : 3, onFullscreen : function() { }, // custom btn customButton : false, customClass : 'folder-10 | next-10', customStart : function() { alert('Hello you, this is a custom button...'); }, customEnd : function() { alert('bye, till next time...'); }, // order buttonOrder : '%refresh% %custom% %edit% %toggle% %fullscreen% %delete%', opacity : 1.0, dragHandle : '> header', placeholderClass : 'jarviswidget-placeholder', indicator : true, indicatorTime : 600, ajax : true, timestampPlaceholder : '.jarviswidget-timestamp', timestampFormat : 'Last update: %m%/%d%/%y% %h%:%i%:%s%', refreshButton : true, refreshButtonClass : 'fa fa-refresh', labelError : 'Sorry but there was a error:', labelUpdated : 'Last Update:', labelRefresh : 'Refresh', labelDelete : 'Delete widget:', afterLoad : function() { }, rtl : false, // best not to toggle this! onChange : function() { console.log("onChange event"); }, onSave : function() { console.log("onSave event"); }, ajaxnav : $.navAsAjax // declears how the localstorage should be saved (HTML or AJAX Version) }); } } /* * SETUP DESKTOP WIDGET */ function setup_widgets_mobile() { if (enableMobileWidgets && enableJarvisWidgets) { setup_widgets_desktop(); } } /* ~ END: INITIALIZE JARVIS WIDGETS */ /* * LOAD SCRIPTS * Usage: * Define function = myPrettyCode ()... * loadScript("js/my_lovely_script.js", myPrettyCode); */ function loadScript(scriptName, callback) { if (!jsArray[scriptName]) { var promise = jQuery.Deferred(); // adding the script tag to the head as suggested before var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = scriptName; // then bind the event to the callback function // there are several events for cross browser compatibility script.onload = function() { promise.resolve(); }; // fire the loading body.appendChild(script); // clear DOM reference //body = null; //script = null; jsArray[scriptName] = promise.promise(); } else if (debugState) root.root.console.log("This script was already loaded %c: " + scriptName, debugStyle_warning); jsArray[scriptName].then(function () { if(typeof callback === 'function') callback(); }); } /* ~ END: LOAD SCRIPTS */ /* * APP AJAX REQUEST SETUP * Description: Executes and fetches all ajax requests also * updates naivgation elements to active */ if($.navAsAjax) { // fire this on page load if nav exists if ($('nav').length) { checkURL(); } $(document).on('click', 'nav a[href!="#"]', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(e.currentTarget); // if parent is not active then get hash, or else page is assumed to be loaded if (!$this.parent().hasClass("active") && !$this.attr('target')) { // update window with hash // you could also do here: thisDevice === "mobile" - and save a little more memory if ($.root_.hasClass('mobile-view-activated')) { $.root_.removeClass('hidden-menu'); $('html').removeClass("hidden-menu-mobile-lock"); window.setTimeout(function() { if (window.location.search) { window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(window.location.search, '') .replace(window.location.hash, '') + '#' + $this.attr('href'); } else { window.location.hash = $this.attr('href'); } }, 150); // it may not need this delay... } else { if (window.location.search) { window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(window.location.search, '') .replace(window.location.hash, '') + '#' + $this.attr('href'); } else { window.location.hash = $this.attr('href'); } } // clear DOM reference // $this = null; } }); // fire links with targets on different window $(document).on('click', 'nav a[target="_blank"]', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(e.currentTarget); window.open($this.attr('href')); }); // fire links with targets on same window $(document).on('click', 'nav a[target="_top"]', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(e.currentTarget); window.location = ($this.attr('href')); }); // all links with hash tags are ignored $(document).on('click', 'nav a[href="#"]', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); // DO on hash change $(window).on('hashchange', function() { checkURL(); }); } /* * CHECK TO SEE IF URL EXISTS */ function checkURL() { //get the url by removing the hash //var url = location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''); var url = location.href.split('#').splice(1).join('#'); //BEGIN: IE11 Work Around if (!url) { try { var documentUrl = window.document.URL; if (documentUrl) { if (documentUrl.indexOf('#', 0) > 0 && documentUrl.indexOf('#', 0) < (documentUrl.length + 1)) { url = documentUrl.substring(documentUrl.indexOf('#', 0) + 1); } } } catch (err) {} } //END: IE11 Work Around container = $('#content'); // Do this if url exists (for page refresh, etc...) if (url) { // remove all active class $('nav li.active').removeClass("active"); // match the url and add the active class $('nav li:has(a[href="' + url + '"])').addClass("active"); var title = ($('nav a[href="' + url + '"]').attr('title')); // change page title from global var document.title = (title || document.title); // debugState if (debugState){ root.console.log("Page title: %c " + document.title, debugStyle_green); } // parse url to jquery loadURL(url + location.search, container); } else { // grab the first URL from nav var $this = $('nav > ul > li:first-child > a[href!="#"]'); //update hash window.location.hash = $this.attr('href'); //clear dom reference $this = null; } } /* * LOAD AJAX PAGES */ function loadURL(url, container) { // debugState if (debugState){ root.root.console.log("Loading URL: %c" + url, debugStyle); } $.ajax({ type : "GET", url : url, dataType : 'html', cache : true, // (warning: setting it to false will cause a timestamp and will call the request twice) beforeSend : function() { // destroy all datatable instances if ( $.navAsAjax && $('.dataTables_wrapper')[0] && (container[0] == $("#content")[0]) ) { var tables = $.fn.dataTable.fnTables(true); $(tables).each(function () { if($(this).find('.details-control').length != 0) { $(this).find('*').addBack().off().remove(); $(this).dataTable().fnDestroy(); } else { $(this).dataTable().fnDestroy(); } }); // debugState if (debugState){ root.console.log("✔ Datatable instances nuked!!!"); } } // end destroy // pop intervals (destroys jarviswidget related intervals) if ( $.navAsAjax && $.intervalArr.length > 0 && (container[0] == $("#content")[0]) && enableJarvisWidgets ) { while($.intervalArr.length > 0) clearInterval($.intervalArr.pop()); // debugState if (debugState){ root.console.log("✔ All JarvisWidget intervals cleared"); } } // end pop intervals // destroy all widget instances if ( $.navAsAjax && (container[0] == $("#content")[0]) && enableJarvisWidgets && $("#widget-grid")[0] ) { $("#widget-grid").jarvisWidgets('destroy'); // debugState if (debugState){ root.console.log("✔ JarvisWidgets destroyed"); } } // end destroy all widgets // cluster destroy: destroy other instances that could be on the page // this runs a script in the current loaded page before fetching the new page if ( $.navAsAjax && (container[0] == $("#content")[0]) ) { /* * The following elements should be removed, if they have been created: * * colorList * icon * picker * inline * And unbind events from elements: * * icon * picker * inline * especially $(document).on('mousedown') * It will be much easier to add namespace to plugin events and then unbind using selected namespace. * * See also: * * http://f6design.com/journal/2012/05/06/a-jquery-plugin-boilerplate/ * http://keith-wood.name/pluginFramework.html */ // this function is below the pagefunction for all pages that has instances if (typeof pagedestroy == 'function') { try { pagedestroy(); if (debugState){ root.console.log("✔ Pagedestroy()"); } } catch(err) { pagedestroy = undefined; if (debugState){ root.console.log("! Pagedestroy() Catch Error"); } } } // destroy all inline charts if ( $.fn.sparkline && $("#content .sparkline")[0] ) { $("#content .sparkline").sparkline( 'destroy' ); if (debugState){ root.console.log("✔ Sparkline Charts destroyed!"); } } if ( $.fn.easyPieChart && $("#content .easy-pie-chart")[0] ) { $("#content .easy-pie-chart").easyPieChart( 'destroy' ); if (debugState){ root.console.log("✔ EasyPieChart Charts destroyed!"); } } // end destory all inline charts // destroy form controls: Datepicker, select2, autocomplete, mask, bootstrap slider if ( $.fn.select2 && $("#content select.select2")[0] ) { $("#content select.select2").select2('destroy'); if (debugState){ root.console.log("✔ Select2 destroyed!"); } } if ( $.fn.mask && $('#content [data-mask]')[0] ) { $('#content [data-mask]').unmask(); if (debugState){ root.console.log("✔ Input Mask destroyed!"); } } if ( $.fn.datepicker && $('#content .datepicker')[0] ) { $('#content .datepicker').off(); $('#content .datepicker').remove(); if (debugState){ root.console.log("✔ Datepicker destroyed!"); } } if ( $.fn.slider && $('#content .slider')[0] ) { $('#content .slider').off(); $('#content .slider').remove(); if (debugState){ root.console.log("✔ Bootstrap Slider destroyed!"); } } // end destroy form controls } // end cluster destroy // empty container and var to start garbage collection (frees memory) pagefunction = null; container.removeData().html(""); // place cog container.html('


'); // Only draw breadcrumb if it is main content material if (container[0] == $("#content")[0]) { // clear everything else except these key DOM elements // we do this because sometime plugins will leave dynamic elements behind $('body').find('> *').filter(':not(' + ignore_key_elms + ')').empty().remove(); // draw breadcrumb drawBreadCrumb(); // scroll up $("html").animate({ scrollTop : 0 }, "fast"); } // end if }, success : function(data) { // dump data to container container.css({ opacity : '0.0' }).html(data).delay(50).animate({ opacity : '1.0' }, 300); // clear data var data = null; container = null; }, error : function(xhr, status, thrownError, error) { container.html('

Error requesting ' + url + ': ' + xhr.status + ' ' + thrownError + '

'); }, async : true }); } /* * UPDATE BREADCRUMB */ function drawBreadCrumb(opt_breadCrumbs) { var a = $("nav li.active > a"), b = a.length; bread_crumb.empty(), bread_crumb.append($("
  • Home
  • ")), a.each(function() { bread_crumb.append($("
  • ").html($.trim($(this).clone().children(".badge").remove().end().text()))), --b || (document.title = bread_crumb.find("li:last-child").text()) }); // Push breadcrumb manually -> drawBreadCrumb(["Users", "John Doe"]); // Credits: Philip Whitt | philip.whitt@sbcglobal.net if (opt_breadCrumbs != undefined) { $.each(opt_breadCrumbs, function(index, value) { bread_crumb.append($("
  • ").html(value)); document.title = bread_crumb.find("li:last-child").text(); }); } } /* ~ END: APP AJAX REQUEST SETUP */ /* * PAGE SETUP * Description: fire certain scripts that run through the page * to check for form elements, tooltip activation, popovers, etc... */ function pageSetUp() { if (thisDevice === "desktop"){ // is desktop // activate tooltips $("[rel=tooltip], [data-rel=tooltip]").tooltip(); // activate popovers $("[rel=popover], [data-rel=popover]").popover(); // activate popovers with hover states $("[rel=popover-hover], [data-rel=popover-hover]").popover({ trigger : "hover" }); // setup widgets setup_widgets_desktop(); // activate inline charts runAllCharts(); // run form elements runAllForms(); } else { // is mobile // activate popovers $("[rel=popover], [data-rel=popover]").popover(); // activate popovers with hover states $("[rel=popover-hover], [data-rel=popover-hover]").popover({ trigger : "hover" }); // activate inline charts runAllCharts(); // setup widgets setup_widgets_mobile(); // run form elements runAllForms(); } } /* ~ END: PAGE SETUP */ /* * ONE POP OVER THEORY * Keep only 1 active popover per trigger - also check and hide active popover if user clicks on document */ $('body').on('click', function(e) { $('[rel="popover"], [data-rel="popover"]').each(function() { //the 'is' for buttons that trigger popups //the 'has' for icons within a button that triggers a popup if (!$(this).is(e.target) && $(this).has(e.target).length === 0 && $('.popover').has(e.target).length === 0) { $(this).popover('hide'); } }); }); /* ~ END: ONE POP OVER THEORY */ /* * DELETE MODEL DATA ON HIDDEN * Clears the model data once it is hidden, this way you do not create duplicated data on multiple modals */ $('body').on('hidden.bs.modal', '.modal', function () { $(this).removeData('bs.modal'); }); /* ~ END: DELETE MODEL DATA ON HIDDEN */ /* * HELPFUL FUNCTIONS * We have included some functions below that can be resued on various occasions * * Get param value * example: alert( getParam( 'param' ) ); */ function getParam(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp(regexS); var results = regex.exec(window.location.href); if (results == null) return ""; else return results[1]; } /* ~ END: HELPFUL FUNCTIONS */